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541 journal ['dʒɝ:rnl]n.日报、杂志、期刊
They publish more than 1.2 million articles each year in some 16,000 journals. 2008 TEXT2
他们每年在 16000 本期刊上发表的文章超过了 120 万篇。
542 jury ['dʒʊri]n.陪审团、评委会
The high court’s decision said the judge in Mr. McDonnell’s trail failed to tell a jury that it must look only at his “official acts”. 2017 TEXT4
高等法院的决议认为,麦克唐纳先生的审判法官并未告知陪审团必须只关注他的 “公务行为”。
543 justice ['dʒʌstɪs]n.法官、公正
“The basic compact underlying representative government,” wrote Chief Justice John Roberts for the court, “assumes that public officials will hear from their constituents and act on their concerns.” 2017 TEXT4
最高法院首席大法官约翰•罗伯茨在写给最高法院的信中写道:“代议制政府的基 本契约假定政府官员将听取其选民的意见,并根据他们的关切采取行动。
544 lag [læɡ]v/n.落后、滞后
From car dealerships to Gap outlets, sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending. 2004 TEXT3
从汽车经销商到盖普服饰外贸店,由于顾客控制自身的支出,销售额几个月以来 持续滞后。
545 lame [leɪm]adj.瘸的、蹩脚的
They should start by discarding California’s lame argument that exploring the contents of a smart phone-a vast storehouse of digital information is similar to say, going through a suspect’s purse. 2015 TEXT2
首先,他们应该摒弃加利福尼亚州的蹩脚观点,即翻看智能手机的内容——一个 庞大的数字信息库 —— 相当于翻查嫌疑犯的钱包。
546 launch [lɔ:ntʃ]v.发起、推出(新产品)
That's one reason why we have launched Arc, a new publication dedicated to the near future. 2013 TEXT3
547 leakage ['li:kɪdʒ]n.泄露
Legal penalty is a major solution to data leakage. 2007 TEXT4
548 lean [li:n]v.倾斜、倚靠 adj.瘦的、贫乏的
No shock there, considering how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on. 2011 TEXT4
这不足为奇,想想看,如果不能依靠配偶,一个人抚养孩子是一项多么艰巨的任 务。
549 legacy ['legəsi]n.遗产、传统
“It’s a really hard thing to do and it’s a tremendous luxury that BuzzFeed doesn’t have a legacy business,” Peretti remarked. 2016 TEXT4
这确实很艰难,同时 Buzzfeed 公司没有传统业务是极大的奢侈,”佩雷蒂评论道。
550 legal ['li:gl]adj.法律的、合法的
Legal penalty is a major solution to data leakage. 2007 TEXT4
551 legitimate [lɪ'dʒɪtɪmət]adj.合法的、合理的
George Annas, chair of the health law department at Boston University, maintains that, as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death. 2002 TEXT4
波士顿大学健康法律系主任乔治安娜思坚持认为,只要有医生开药是出于合理的 医疗目的,那么即使病人服用此药会加速死亡,医生的行为也没有违法。
552 leisure ['li:ʒɚr]adj.空闲的、休闲的 n.空闲、休闲
It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could experience “a refreshing air.”2016 TEXT2
553 liberal ['lɪbərəl]adj.自由(主义)的、开明的 n.自由主义者、自由党
John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English. 2005 TEXT4
约翰麦克沃特是一个语言学家,也是一个结合了自由和保守观点的争论者。他认 20 世纪 60 年代的反文化运动的胜利要对正式英语的退化负责。
554 lineage ['lɪniɪdʒ]n.血统、谱系
Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father’s line or mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers. 2009 TEXT2
然而,大多数血统测试只考虑一个单独的血统,要么是来自父亲身上的 Y 染色体, 要么是来自母亲身上的线粒体 DNA
555 literate ['lɪtərət]adj.有读写能力的、精通的
Researchers should improve their standards, he wrote in 2012, but journals should also take a tougher line, engaging reviewers who are statistically literate and editors who can verify the process. 2015 TEXT3
他在 2012 年写道,研究人员应该提高他们的标准,但是杂志也应该设置更严苛的 水准线,“聘请那些精通统计学的评审人员和可以证实统计过程的编辑。
556 lobby ['lɑ:bi]v.游说 n.游说团体、大厅
Unfortunately, banks’ lobbying now seems to be working. 2010 TEXT4
557 locate ['loʊkeɪt]v.定位、位于
Some organizations check their systems to find out how the potential spies can be located. 2007 TEXT4
558 lure [lʊr]v/n.引诱、诱惑
And since these messages have an agenda -- to lure us to open our wallets -- they make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable. 2006 TEXT4
并且因为这些信息只有一项任务——诱惑我们打开钱包——所以这些信息使得幸 福的想法看似不可靠。
559 luxury ['lʌkʃəri]adj.奢侈的 n.奢侈(品)
In the world of capuchins, grapes are luxury goods (and much preferable to cucumbers). 2005 TEXT1
560 magnify ['mæɡnɪfaɪ]v.放大、扩大
And one of the easiest ways to segment a market is to magnify gender differences. 2012 TEXT2




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