有时你只是需要一些 ID?除非你要的是更复杂的 ID 生成器(例如 UUID),否则用不着为此安装什么新库,下面这个选项足够了。你可以从当前时间(以毫秒为单位)或特定的整数和增量开始生成,也可以从字母生成 ID。
// create unique id starting from current time in milliseconds // incrementing it by 1 everytime requested const uniqueId = (() => { const id = (function*() { let mil = new Date().getTime(); while (true) yield mil += 1; })(); return () => id.next().value; })(); // create unique incrementing id starting from provided value or zero // good for temporary things or things that id resets const uniqueIncrementingId = ((lastId = 0) => { const id = (function*() { let numb = lastId; while (true) yield numb += 1; })() return (length = 12) => `${id.next().value}`.padStart(length, '0'); })(); // create unique id from letters and numbers const uniqueAlphaNumericId = (() => { const heyStack = '0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; const randomInt = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(heyStack.length)) return (length = 24) => Array.from({length}, () => heyStack[randomInt()]).join(''); })();
到此这篇JavaScript技术总结5:随机 ID 生成器的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关内容请继续浏览下面的相关推荐文章,希望大家都能在编程的领域有一番成就!