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维度一:背诵版50(basketball -belt)

351.basketball [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl] n. 篮球

352.bat [bæt] n.(棒球、板球)球棒 n. 蝙蝠

353.bath [bɑːθ] n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆

354.bathe [beɪð] vi. 洗澡;游泳

355.bathrobe [ˈbɑːθrəʊb] n. 浴衣

356.bathroom [ˈbɑːθruːm] n. 浴室, 盥洗室

357.bathtub ['bɑ:θtʌb] n. 澡盆

358.battery [ˈbætərɪ] n. 电池

359.battle [ˈbætl] n. 战斗;战役

360.battleground [ˈbætlɡraʊnd] n. 战场

361.bay [beɪ] n. 湾; 海湾

362.BC[ˌbiːˈsiː] n. 公元前

363.be [biː] v. 是;成为

364.beach [biːtʃ] n. 海滨, 海滩

365.beam [biːm] n. 平衡木

366.bean [biːn] n. , 豆科植物

367.beancurd ['bi:nkə:d] n. 豆腐

368.bear [beə] v. 承受;忍受;生育 n.

369.beard [bɪəd] n. (下巴上)胡须

370.beast [biːst]n. 野兽;牲畜

371.beat (beat, beaten) [biːt] v. 敲打;跳动n.节拍

372.beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfəl] a. , 美丽, 美观的

373.beauty [ˈbjuːtɪ] n. 美丽, 美人

374.because [bɪˈkɔz] conj. 因为

375.become (became, become) [bɪˈkʌm] v. 变得;成为

376.bed [bed] n.

377.bedclothes [ˈbedkləʊðz] n. 铺盖

378.beddings [ˈbedɪŋ] n. 卧具, 铺盖

379.bedroom [ˈbedruːm] n. 寝室, 卧室

380.bee [biː] n.. 蜜蜂

381.beef [biːf] n. 牛肉

382.beehive [ˈbiːhaɪv] n. 蜂箱

383.beer [bɪə] n. 啤酒

384.before[bɪˈfɔː] prep.在…以前ad.以前 conj.在…之前

385.beg [beɡ] v. 请求, 乞求, 乞讨

386.begin(began,begun) [bɪˈɡɪn] v.开始,着手

387.beginning [bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ] n. 开始, 开端

388.behalf [bɪˈhɑːf] n. 代表某人, 为了某人

389.behave [bɪˈheɪv] v. 守规矩, 行为

390.behaviour[ bɪ`heɪvjər ] n. 行为, 举止

391.behind [bɪˈhaɪnd]prep.在…后面ad.在后面;向后

392.being [ˈbiːɪŋ] n. 物;生物;人

393.Belgium [ˈbeldʒəm] n. 比利时

394.belief [bɪˈliːf] n. 信条, 信念

395.believe [bɪˈliːv] v. 相信, 认为

396.bell [bel] n. ,;铃声;钟形物

397.belly [ˈbelɪ] n. 肚子

398.belong [bɪˈlɔŋ] vi. , 附属

399.below [bɪˈləʊ] prep. 在…下面

400.belt [belt] n. 皮带


351.basketball [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl] n. _____

352.bat [bæt] n. ___________

353.bath [bɑːθ] n. ___________

354.bathe [beɪð] vi. ___________

355.bathrobe [ˈbɑːθrəʊb] n. _______

356.bathroom [ˈbɑːθruːm] n. ______

357.bathtub ['bɑ:θtʌb] n. __________

358.battery [ˈbætərɪ] n. ___________

359.battle [ˈbætl] n. ___________

360.battleground [ˈbætlɡraʊnd] n. ____

361.bay [beɪ] n. ___________

362.BC[ˌbiːˈsiː] n. ___________

363.be [biː] v. ___________

364.beach [biːtʃ] n. ___________

365.beam [biːm] n. ___________

366.bean [biːn] n. ___________

367.beancurd ['bi:nkə:d] n. ___________

368.bear [beə] v. ________ n. _____

369.beard [bɪəd] n. ___________

370.beast [biːst]n. ___________

371.beat [biːt] v._______n. ______

372.beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfəl] a. ___________

373.beauty [ˈbjuːtɪ] n. ___________

374.because [bɪˈkɔz] conj. ___________

375.become [bɪˈkʌm] v. ___________

376.bed [bed] n. ___________

377.bedclothes[ˈbedkləʊðz] n. ____

378.beddings [ˈbedɪŋ] n. _________

379.bedroom [ˈbedruːm] n. _______

380.bee [biː] n. ___________

381.beef [biːf] n. ___________

382.beehive [ˈbiːhaɪv] n. _________

383.beer [bɪə] n. ___________

384.before[bɪˈfɔː] prep.____ad.____conj.____

385.beg [beɡ] v. ___________

386.begin [bɪˈɡɪn] v. ___________

387.beginning [bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ] n. _________

388.behalf [bɪˈhɑːf] n. ___________

389.behave [bɪˈheɪv] v. ___________

390.behaviour[ bɪ`heɪvjər ] n. ___________

391.behind [bɪˈhaɪnd]prep. ______ad. _____

392.being [ˈbiːɪŋ] n. ___________

393.Belgium [ˈbeldʒəm] n. _____

394.belief [bɪˈliːf] n. ___________

395.believe [bɪˈliːv] v. ___________

396.bell [bel] n. ___________

397.belly [ˈbelɪ] n. ___________

398.belong [bɪˈlɔŋ] vi. ___________

399.below [bɪˈləʊ] prep. _________

400.belt [belt] n. ___________


351. ___________ [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl] n. 篮球

352. ___________ [bæt] n.(棒球、板球)球棒 n. 蝙蝠

353. ___________ [bɑːθ]n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆

354. ___________ [beɪð] vi. 洗澡;游泳

355. ___________ [ˈbɑːθrəʊb] n. 浴衣

356. ___________ [ˈbɑːθruːm] n. 浴室, 盥洗室

357. ___________ ['bɑ:θtʌb] n. 澡盆

358. ___________ [ˈbætərɪ] n. 电池

359. ___________ [ˈbætl] n. 战斗;战役

360. ___________ [ˈbætlɡraʊnd] n. 战场

361. ___________ [beɪ] n. 湾; 海湾

362. ___________ [ˌbiːˈsiː]n. 公元前

363. ___________ [biː] v. 是;成为

364. ___________ [biːtʃ]n. 海滨, 海滩

365. ___________ [biːm] n. 平衡木

366. ___________ [biːn] n. , 豆科植物

367. ___________ ['bi:nkə:d] n. 豆腐

368. ___________ [beə] v. 承受;忍受;生育 n.

369. ___________ [bɪəd] n. (下巴上)胡须

370. ___________ [biːst] n. 野兽;牲畜

371. ___________ [biːt] v. 敲打;跳动n.节拍

372. ___________ [ˈbjuːtɪfəl] a. , 美丽, 美观的

373. ___________ [ˈbjuːtɪ] n. 美丽, 美人

374. ___________ [bɪˈkɔz] conj. 因为

375. ___________ [bɪˈkʌm] v. 变得;成为

376. ___________ [bed] n.

377. ___________ [ˈbedkləʊðz] n. 铺盖

378. ___________ [ˈbedɪŋ] n. 卧具, 铺盖

379. ___________ [ˈbedruːm] n. 寝室, 卧室

380. ___________ [biː] n.. 蜜蜂

381. ___________ [biːf] n. 牛肉

382. ___________ [ˈbiːhaɪv] n. 蜂箱

383. ___________ [bɪə] n. 啤酒

384. ___________ [bɪˈfɔː] prep.在…以前conj.在…之前

385. ___________ [beɡ] v. 请求, 乞求, 乞讨

386. ___________ [bɪˈɡɪn] v.开始,着手

387. ___________ [bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ] n. 开始, 开端

388. ___________ [bɪˈhɑːf] n. 代表某人, 为了某人

389. ___________ [bɪˈheɪv] v. 守规矩, 行为

390. ___________ [ bɪ`heɪvjər ] n. 行为, 举止

391. ___________ [bɪˈhaɪnd]prep.在…后面ad.向后

392. ___________ [ˈbiːɪŋ] n. 物;生物;人

393. ___________ [ˈbeldʒəm] n. 比利时

394. ___________ [bɪˈliːf] n. 信条, 信念

395. ___________ [bɪˈliːv] v. 相信, 认为

396. ___________ [bel] n. ,;铃声;钟形物

397. ___________ [ˈbelɪ] n. 肚子

398. ___________ [bɪˈlɔŋ] vi. , 附属

399. ___________ [bɪˈləʊ] prep. 在…下面

400. ___________ [belt]   n. 皮带


1.bath n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆

bathe vi. 洗澡;游泳

bathrobe n. 浴衣

bathroom n. 浴室, 盥洗室

bathtub n. 澡盆

2.battlen. 战斗;战役

Battleground n. 战场

3.bear v. 承受;忍受;生育 n.

bore pp

born pp

borne pp

4.beat v. 敲打;跳动

beat pt

beaten pp

5.beauty n. 美丽, 美人

beautiful a. , 美丽, 美观的

beautifully ad.

beautify vt.

6.become v. 变得;成为

became pt

become pp

7.bed n.

bedclothes n. 铺盖

beddings n. 卧具, 铺盖

bedroom n. 寝室, 卧室

8.beg v. 请求, 乞求, 乞讨

beggar n.

9.begin v.开始,着手

began pt

begun pp

beginning n. 开始, 开端

10.behave v. 守规矩, 行为

behaviour n. 行为, 举止

11.believe v. 相信, 认为

belief n. 信条, 信念

12.belong vi. , 附属

belongings n


1.play basketball 篮球

2.have a bath 洗澡;浴室;澡盆

3.be bathed in沐浴在……

4.500 BC  公元前500

5.be about to do 即将做某事

6.be to do 将要做某事

7.cant bear doing sth忍受不了做某事

8.bear sth in mind 记住某事

9.bear the weight 承受重量

10.wear the beard留胡须

11.bear three kids 生育三个孩子

12.beat sb to death 把某人打死

13.because of 因为

14.become of ……怎么了

15.go to bed 去睡觉

16.lie in bed 卧床

17.make the bed 整理床铺

18.as busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙

19.before long 不久以后

20.long before 很久以前

21.It will be…before..过……就就会……

22.beg sb to do 乞求某人做某事

23.beg sb for sth 向某人乞求某物

24.I beg your pardon. 请你原谅。

24.to begin with 首先;第一点

25.be beginning to do开始做某事

26.in the beginning 最初

27.at the beginning of 在……开始时

28.from beginning to end从头到尾

30.Well begun, half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

31.on behalf of 谨代表

32.behave yourself 守规矩点儿

33.well-behaved children乖孩子

34.fall behind掉队

35.behind schedule晚点

36.come into being形成;存在

37.for the time being暂时地

38.have belief in 对……信任

39.hold the belief that相信

40.be believed to do 据相信做了某事

41.believe it or not 信不信由你

42.believe in 信仰;信任

43.ring the bell   按铃

44.belong to 属于

45.a sense of belonging 归属感

46.below freezing 低于冰点

47.fasten the seat belt 系好安全带

48.the Belt and Road 一带一路



1. It is Jim rather than his parents who _________(be) to blame.

2. She can’t bear __________________ (laugh) at.

3. She turned up at the party __________(bear) gifts for the new mum and the new boy.

4. He cant bear people ____________(smoke) while he is eating.

5. My panic was rising and I could feel my heart ___________(beat) wildly.

6. _________everybody is here, lets begin our meeting.

7. It must _________(rain) last night, ________ the ground is wet.

8. We should spare no effort __________(beautify) our environment.

9. He regarded his wife as _____________ beauty.

10. From space, the earth looks blue. This is ________ about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water.

11. Silk _______________ (become) one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC.

12. If you miss this chance, it may be years ____________ you get another one.

13. He begged them ________ help.

14. We begged him ___________ (let) the children go free.

15. We need to get to the root of the problem __________ we can solve it.

16. Close the door of fear behind you and you ___________(see) the door of faith open before you.

17. I haven’t much belief _______________ his honesty.

18. __________________ (be) badly wounded, the whale soon died.

19. There ________(be) no buses, we had to take a taxi.

20. What will become _____________ you if you lost the game?


on behalf of, be about to do, to begin with, bear in mind, before long, become of, long before,belong to, in the beginning, a sense of belonging

1. You must _____________ that your parents hope to depend on you to become a good doctor

2. We _____________ start working when it began to rain.

3. _____________ the student union, I'd like to put forward a proposal to save water on our campus.

4. However, you will no longer see advertisements like this _____________.

5. _____________, moral values in America are like those in any culture.

6. _____________ many people did not understand her decision.

7. What will _____________ the poor child now that the parents are dead?

8. The car _____________ Mr Smith was seriously broken in a traffic accident last night.

维度八:熟词新意 (basketball-belt)

1. People always likes well-behaved children. __________

2. We should show respect to the religious beliefs and the customs of the local people.__________

3. She was lying on her belly.__________

4. Look after your personal belongings.__________

5. Last night Liverpool beat Barcelona 3 to 1. __________



1. We are glad to be here to admire __________________________ (自然之美).

2. The open-air celebration has been put off _____________________ (因为) the bad weather.

3. _________________________ (不久) a large crowd gathered outside the building.

4. She said that she had heard of it _______________________ (很久以前).

5. _____________________________ (首先), it is important to create a positive attitude.

6. ________________ (的开始) the lecture, we learned about several different types of films.

7. Tom, __________________________________ (规矩点). Did you forget the school rules?

8. _________________ (代表) everyone here, I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.

9. They don’t know how this world ____________________________________ (形成).

10. I am staying at a friend’s house ____________________________________ (暂时).

11. Many people ______________________ (坚信) that the cure for cancer will be found one day.

12. _________________________ (人们普遍认为) IT has both advantages and disadvantages.

13. _______________________ (信不信由你), there is no such thing as standard English.


1. 冰太薄,承受不了你的重量。(bear)


2小男孩直到妈妈回来才上床睡觉。(not until)


3. 善始者善终。(beginning)


4. 教育被认为是政府面临的最重要的问题。(believe)


5. 他们认为在某些地区多种树是有必要的。(believe)




China's BDS serves over 200 countries, regions

Xinhua | Updated: 2023-07-06 08:58

China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System     1      (serve) more than 200 countries and regions to date, according to a commendation ceremony for the construction of BDS-3 held in Beijing on Wednesday.

China successfully launched 30 BDS 3 satellites in two and a half years,    2      (complete) BDS-3 six months ahead of schedule in 2020.

BDS 3 is a giant, complex space system     3      the largest scale, widest coverage, highest service performance requirements and closest connection with daily life     4      China has built so far, according to the ceremony.

BDS has been     5      (wide) used in various industries related to the country's economic and social development, promoting transformation and upgrading,     6      bringing remarkable economic and social benefits.

As one of four global satellite navigation     7      (system) recognized by the United Nations, BDS has actively fulfilled its international obligations in the fields of civil aviation, maritime affairs, and search and rescue, contributing Chinese     8      (wise) to the construction of a community with a     9      (share) future for all.

Next, China will make every effort     10      (promote) the market-oriented, industrialized and international development of BDS scale application to serve the world and benefit all people, according to the ceremony.


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