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be supposed to

hold fast to… 牢牢地把握住…

bear in mind that… 牢记…

There’s no better way to… than to… ……是做去某事的最好方式

go a long way 非常有效

It’s worthwhile to… 值得做某事

give sb. the credit for… 把……归功于某人

take the credit for…

enable sb. to do sthhttps://mp.weixin..com/ equip sb. with the ability to do sth. 让某人可以去做……

draw on 借鉴(经验等)

boost efficiency/ productivity 提高效率/生产率

give sb. a competitive edge 给某人竞争优势

… is a gateway to… 是实现……的方法

expand one’s outlook 开阔某人的眼界

broaden one’s horizons

is a good vehicle for… 达到……(某种目的)的途径

generate… (employment) opportunities 创造就业机会

dedicate A to B 把A(金钱、时间、精力等)用到B这个目的上

assume/ shoulder the responsibility for… 承担起……的责任

be mindful of 关注……

pay close attention to

a wealth of… “大量(有益的东西)”,尤其是后面加抽象名词时

… is a lifelong process 是持续一生的过程

put… into practice 把……投入实践

fulfill one’s potential 发挥某人的潜力

from within… 来自内心深处

remove the barrier for 为(发展、交流等)消除障碍

be in tune with… 与……一致,与……和谐

keep pace with… 与……同步发展

promote the development of… 促进……的发展

raise people’s awareness of… 提高人们的某种意识

… has found one’s niche 找到了属于自己的一片天地

be the cornerstone of… 是……的基石

be an essential ingredient of… 是……的必备条件

sharpen one’s intellect 提高某人用知识去分析问题的能力

achieve and maintain sth. 实现并且保持某种状态

be a positive alternative… 某事是有益替代方式

participate in 参与

afford people the sense of belonging/ the sense of fulfillment/ the sense of achievement 给人们归属感/成就感

… is a main driving force behind… 是……的主要推动力

reverse the damage to… 挽回对……的破坏

is a perfect complement to… 是对……的极好补充

be in accordance with 与……一致,符合,类似

be in line with

be in keeping with

catch a glimpse of… 很快地了解一下某事(类似于“走马观花”)

integrate/ incorporate… into… 将……结合进...…

give priority to sth. 把…..放在优先位置

inject… into… 把……注入,赋予……

explore every avenue toward… 去探究完成……的各种途径

awaken the conscience of society 唤起社会的良知或责任感

unravel the mystery/ the detail of… 解释清楚本来很难理解的情况

Far from being… 完全不是……

satisfy/ accommodate the needs of… 满足……的需求

are obligated to… 有义务去做某事

make it a point to… 确保去做某事

make sure that/ ensure that

… is a milestone/ milepost in… 在……的过程中是一个标志性事件

…is the cradle of… 是……的发源地

… take sanctuary in… 在……中找到避风港

gain/ gather/ lose momentum 某件事情的势头更强劲/势头减弱了

rise to the occasion 迎难而上

exude confidence/ sympathy/ an air of wealth and power (某人)浑身散发着某种品质

a labor of love 发自内心、心甘情愿地去做的努力

get into the swing of things 去努力熟悉、适应身边的事物


be at risk 处在风险中

… few of us has ever stopped to think about… 很少有人去考虑……

be concerned about… 对…….很关注,担忧

have a hard time doing sth. 很难实现或完成某事

be at odds with sth. 与……不符,与……冲突

be threatened with… 受到……的威胁

abide by/ comply with/ conform to 遵守(法律、规定等)

… very little, if any, … 只有很少,如果有的话

be overly dependant/ reliant on… 对某事过度依赖的

be hard-pressed to… = find it difficult to…

be in short supply 供应短缺

widen the gap between… and… 加大两者之间的差距

in part because…/ partly because… 部分因为……

frown on… 对……皱眉头,反对

If… , … will ensue 如果……,某种结果将跟随而来

… hover at high levels ……居高不下

be inundated with sthhttps://mp.weixin..com/ be saturated with sth. 充斥着……(一般加负面的东西)

be subject to… 经受、遭受……

A can be attributed/ ascribed to B A可以归因于B(多用于负面)

be susceptible to… 容易受到来自……的影响

distract sb. from… 分散某人的注意力

at the expense of… 以……为代价

run contrary to 与……背道而驰

erode the culture identity/ national pride 侵蚀文化特性/ 民族自豪感

It’s wrong to equate… with… 把……等同于……是错误的

be confronted with sth. 面对挑战、危机、困难等

copy sth. mechanically 机械地抄袭

… is not a panacea for… 某种方案并不是解决某个问题的万能药

be addicted to sthhttps://mp.weixin..com/ be preoccupied with sth. 对负面事物上瘾

be absorbed in…/ be engrossed in… 对……(并不一定是负面事物)上瘾

drive up the crime rate 导致犯罪率上升

exert detrimental influence upon/ have adverse effect on 对……有负面影响

sth. is unwarranted/ unjustifiable 某种做法很不合理

spin out of control 失去控制

are not compatible with…/ are incompatible with… 与……不一致或不协调

be likely to fall prey to/ be vulnerable to 容易成为……的受害者

sth. should be condemned rather than condoned 某事应该被谴责而不是被宽恕

What’s the good of…? ……又有什么好处呢?

live in poverty/ misery/ frustration/ anxiety 生活在贫穷/ 困苦/ 沮丧/ 焦虑中

diminish individuals’ leisure time 减少人们的休闲时间

stifle creativity 扼杀创造力

be afflicted by… 遭受……

be oblivious to… 对……完全无视

cause grave concerns 引起严重关注

spell disaster/ trouble for… 某事意味着灾难/ 麻烦

deprive someone of sth. 剥夺某人的(自由、权利,或者某种生活方式)

take… for granted 想当然

poorly-informed, uninformed, or misinformed about… (公众)关于某事的了解很少,完全不了解或者了解错误 (媒体类话题常用)

A has rendered B +adjhttps://mp.weixin..com/ n.作宾语补足语 A让B变成某种状态

lower one’s expectations 降低某人的期望值

go from bad to worse 越来越糟

There’s no guarantee that… 无法保证……

(a certain problem) has reached such proportions that… 问题已经到了……的程度


on the basis of… 基于……

are likely to…/ are unlikely to…

The+adj.比较级…, the+adj.比较级… 越……, 就越……

old and young alike 年长的人和年轻的人都……

friends and family alike

teachers and students alike

… is a fact of life. ……是必须面对的人生(事实)。

hinge on… 取决于……

It’s little/ no wonder that… 毫不奇怪,……

More than anything, … 最关键的是,……

This (trend) is not restricted to… 这个(趋势)不仅仅限于……

It’s rare for sbhttps://mp.weixin..com/ sth. to… 某人(事)很少会怎样

It’s not uncommon for… to… 通常……

…may not… otherwise… 否则……就不会……

make a difference 做贡献

think in terms of…+n. /n.短语 以某种方式/思维

be aimed at sth. 目标是……

… lie at the heart of… 处在核心地位

the proliferation of+n.短语 (污染、互联网等的)大量扩散

in all likelihood 很可能

…, by no means, ……绝不是

are not entirely unfounded 不是完全没有根据

put sth. in perspective 客观地看待……

be interrelated and interdependent 相互联系,互相依赖的

There’s no substitute for… 某事物是无法替代的

cease to… 不再……

can be traced back to… 可以追溯到……

It’s no exaggeration to say that… 可以毫不夸张地说……

… is an exception 是一个例外

It’s hard to overstate the significance of 怎么说……的重要性也不为过

a major shift in… 某方面的重要转变

sth. is consolidating its status as the… 某事物正在不断加固它作为…的地位

require/ necessitate/ call for… 需要

distinguish between A and B 区分A和B

… sound as if… 听起来似乎……(其实并不是那么回事)

is an important factor in determining… 是……的决定因素

Quite the opposite,… 正好相反……

is a hallmark of… 是……的显著特色

be bent on/ be bent upon… 全身心地投入去做某事

sth. is inherent in… 某种品质是……固有的

There’s a definite link between A and B A和B之间有密切联系

sth. is sb.’s stock-in-trade 某事是某人的拿手好戏

A create (bring about/ generate/ breed/ cause/ engender/ spawn/ induce) B A产生B

resemble v.像……

… abound v.大量存在

reflect/ represent/ mirror/ embody v.体现,反应

sth. impels/ prompts sb. to do… 促使某人去……

an indication of… 显示出…, 反映出…

be inseparable from… 与……密不可分

… is inextricably intertwined with… 与...有着千丝万缕的联系

eclipse sth. 使……相形见绌

be mutually helpful/ beneficial/ exclusive/ dependent 互助的/ 互利的/ 相互排斥的/ 相互依存的

is the exact antithesis of… 与……截然相反

lean on… 依靠某种方式或手段

depend on/ rely on

beyond our wildest expectations 超出了我们一切的预期

take steps/ take measures to do sth. 采取措施去做某事

convert… into… 把…转变成…

be accountable to sbhttps://mp.weixin..com/ be accountable for sth. 对某人某事负责(主语常为正式的机构或职务)

be responsible for sthhttps://mp.weixin..com/ be responsible to sb.

a variety of/ a wide range of/ a wide array of 各种各样的

the whole spectrum of…

the whole range of…

The bottom line is… 根本考虑因素是……

Looking back, …/ In retrospect, … 回过头来看……

be a watershed 重大转折




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