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Hello everyone! You are listening to 'Learn 10000 English words with Ava'. My name is Ava, and I am a language enthusiast passionate about helping you expand your English vocabulary. The purpose of this podcast is to understand and memorize over 10,000 English words and phrases together in 180 days to enhance your English skills. This is a series program, so please click the follow button and mark it as a star to receive notifications for the latest episodes. You can also check the previous episodes in the directory at the end of the article. At the end of our discussion, we will include an English proverb for you to learn and reflect on.



Alright, let's dive into today's topic! In this episode, we will be exploring Chapter 84: Media. We will cover the following sections: 84.1 Television Studio, 84.2 Radio, and 84.3 Social and Online Media.

好的,让我们深入今天的话题!在这一集中,我们将探讨第84章:传媒业。我们将涵盖以下几个部分:84.1 电视演播室、84.2 广播和84.3 社交与在线媒体。


序号 词汇 音标 含义
1 light /laɪt/ n. 灯光
2 sound boom /saʊnd buːm/ n. 话筒吊杆
3 host (US) presenter (UK) /hoʊst prɪˈzɛntər/ n. 主持人
4 camera /ˈkæmərə/ n. 摄像机
5 camera crane /ˈkæmərə kreɪn/ n. 摄像机摇臂
6 camera operator /ˈkæmərə ˈɑpəˌreɪtər/ n. 摄像师
7 We’re going live in 5 seconds.
8 director /dəˈrɛktər/ n. 导演
9 clapper board /ˈklæpər bɔrd/ n. 场记板
10 television studio /ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən ˈstudiˌoʊ/ n. 电视演播室
11 autocue /ˈɔtoʊˌkju/ n. 提词器
12 director’s chair /dəˈrɛktərz tʃɛr/ n. 导演椅

In this section, we will explore the various elements found in a television studio. We will discuss the equipment, roles, and essential tools that contribute to the production of a television show.

  1. light : This refers to the illumination used in a studio to enhance visibility and create the desired atmosphere for filming.
  2. sound boom : A long pole with a microphone attached that is used to capture sound from a distance, ensuring that it is clear and not picked up from the camera.
  3. host (US) presenter (UK) : The individual who leads the show, engages with guests, and interacts with the audience, often serving as the main point of contact during the broadcast.
  4. camera : The device used to capture moving images for the television program, essential for recording the visuals.
  5. camera crane : A specialized equipment that allows the camera to move smoothly on a vertical axis, providing dynamic shots and angles during filming.
  6. camera operator : The person responsible for operating the camera and framing the shots for the production, ensuring that each scene is captured effectively.
  7. We’re going live in 5 seconds. : A phrase indicating that the broadcast is about to begin, often used to alert the crew and talent to prepare for the live segment.
  8. director : The individual in charge of overseeing the production, making creative decisions, and guiding the cast and crew to achieve the vision of the show.
  9. clapper board : A device used in film and television production to mark the beginning of a take, helping synchronize audio and video during editing.
  10. television studio : A designated space equipped for the production of television programs, including various technical equipment and sets.
  11. autocue : A device that displays the script for presenters, allowing them to read their lines while maintaining eye contact with the camera or audience.
  12. director’s chair : A portable chair typically used by the director, often marked with the title "Director," providing a comfortable seat during filming.


  1. 灯光:指在演播室中使用的照明,以增强可见性并营造所需的拍摄氛围。
  2. 话筒吊杆:一根长杆,上面挂着麦克风,用于从远处捕捉声音,确保声音清晰且不被摄像机拾取。
  3. 主持人 (美国) 主播 (英国):负责主持节目的个人,与嘉宾互动,并与观众交流,通常在直播过程中充当主要联络点。
  4. 摄像机:用于捕捉电视节目动态影像的设备,是录制视觉内容的必需品。
  5. 摄像机摇臂:一种专用设备,允许摄像机在垂直轴上平滑 移动,在拍摄期间提供动态镜头和角度。
  6. 摄像师:负责操作摄像机并构图的人员,确保每个场景都能有效捕捉。
  7. 我们将在5秒钟内开始直播。:一个表示广播即将开始的短语,通常用于提醒工作人员和演员准备直播环节。
  8. 导演:负责监督制作的个人,进行创意决策,并指导演员和工作人员实现节目愿景。
  9. 场记板:在电影和电视制作中用于标记拍摄开始的设备,有助于在编辑时同步音频和视频。
  10. 电视演播室:为制作电视节目而设立的专用空间,包括各种技术设备和布景。
  11. 提词器:显示剧本的设备,让主持人可以在与摄像机或观众保持眼神接触的同时阅读台词。
  12. 导演椅:一种便携椅子,通常由导演使用,常常标有“导演”字样,为拍摄提供舒适的座位。

Okay, let's create a paragraph using the vocabulary from the above sections to help us understand the usage of these words and deepen our memory.


In the bustling television studio, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation. Bright light illuminated the set, casting a warm glow on the stage. The host was adjusting her makeup while glancing at the autocue, preparing for her lines.

Nearby, the camera operator was adjusting the camera settings, ensuring everything was perfect before the live broadcast. A sound boom hovered above, capturing every sound crisply. The director, seated in his director’s chair, barked orders with precision, "We’re going live in 5 seconds!"

The clapper board snapped shut as a signal to everyone to be ready. Just then, the camera crane swooped in for a dramatic overhead shot, adding a dynamic flair to the scene. All eyes were on the host, who smiled brightly, ready to engage the audience.

As the countdown reached zero, the studio erupted into action, showcasing the perfect blend of teamwork and technology that brought the show to life.






序号 词汇 音标 含义
1 microphone /ˈmaɪkrəˌfoʊn/ n. 麦克风
2 mixing desk /ˈmɪksɪŋ dɛsk/ n. 混音台
3 headphones /ˈhɛdˌfoʊnz/ n. 头戴式耳机
4 DJ /ˈdiˈdʒeɪ/ n. 电台主持人
5 recording studio /rəˈkɔrdɪŋ ˈstudiˌoʊ/ n. 录音棚
6 sound technician /saʊnd tɛkˈnɪʃən/ n. 音效师
7 radio station /ˈreɪdiˌoʊ ˈsteɪʃən/ n. 广播电台
8 to broadcast /tə ˈbrɔdˌkæst/ v. 广播
9 digital /ˈdɪdʒɪtəl/ adj. 数字的
10 FM /ɛf ɛm/ n. 调频
11 frequency /ˈfrikwənsi/ n. 频率

In this section, we will explore various terms related to radio broadcasting and the equipment used in the industry. Understanding these vocabulary words will enhance your comprehension of how radio operates and the roles involved in the production of radio content.

  1. microphone : A device used to capture sound and convert it into an electrical signal for recording or broadcasting.
  2. mixing desk : An electronic device that allows audio signals from various sources to be combined and adjusted before being sent out for broadcasting or recording.
  3. headphones : A pair of speakers worn over or in the ears to listen to audio without disturbing others.
  4. DJ : A person who selects and plays recorded music for an audience, often on the radio or at events.
  5. recording studio : A specialized facility designed for recording audio, featuring soundproofing and various equipment to enhance sound quality.
  6. sound technician : A professional responsible for managing and operating sound equipment during recordings or broadcasts.
  7. radio station : A facility that transmits audio programming to the public via radio waves.
  8. to broadcast : The act of transmitting audio or video content to a wide audience through radio, television, or online platforms.
  9. digital : Referring to technology that uses discrete values, typically in the form of binary code, to represent information.
  10. FM : Short for Frequency Modulation, a method of transmitting sound via radio waves that allows for higher sound quality.
  11. frequency : The specific wave frequency at which a radio station transmits its signal, measured in hertz (Hz).


  1. 麦克风 : 一种用于捕捉声音并将其转换为电信号以进行录音或 广播的设备。
  2. 混音台 : 一种电子设备,允许来自各种来源的音频信号在发送到 广播或录音之前进行组合和调整。
  3. 头戴式耳机 : 一对戴在耳朵上或耳内的扬声器,用于在不打扰他人的情况下收听音频。
  4. 电台主持人 : 选择并为观众播放录制音乐的人,通常在 广播或活动中进行。
  5. 录音棚 : 一种专门设计用于录音的设施,具有隔音效果和各种设备以提高音质。
  6. 音效师 : 负责在录音或 广播过程中管理和操作音响设备的专业人士。
  7. 广播电台 : 一种通过无线电波向公众传输音频节目的设施。
  8. 广播 : 向广泛观众传输音频或视频内容的行为,通过 广播、电视或在线平台进行。
  9. 数字的 : 指使用离散值的技术,通常以二进制代码的形式表示信息。
  10. 调频 : 频率调制的缩写,一种通过无线电波传输声音的方法,允许更高的音质。
  11. 频率 : 无线电台传输信号的特定波频率,以赫兹(Hz)为单位进行测量。

Okay, let's create a paragraph using the vocabulary from the above sections to help us understand the usage of these words and deepen our memory.


In a bustling recording studio, the atmosphere was electric as the DJ prepared for their live show. A microphone was set up in front of them, ready to capture their voice, while a mixing desk filled with colorful buttons and sliders awaited the final touches for the audio mix.

"Can you check the headphones?" the sound technician asked, adjusting the levels on the console. "I want to ensure everything is perfect before we go live."

"Sure thing!" the DJ replied, pulling the headphones over their ears to listen for any discrepancies. "The sound is great. Let's get ready to broadcast."

The radio station was known for its digital content, reaching listeners across various platforms. With excitement, the DJ announced, "We're live on FM now! Tune in to our frequency of 101.5!"

As the show began, they smoothly transitioned between songs, showcasing their skills and the vibrant atmosphere of the studio, all while ensuring the sound quality remained impeccable for their audience.







序号 词汇 音标 含义
1 to follow /tə ˈfɑloʊ/ v. 关注
2 to like /tə laɪk/ v. 点赞
3 to go viral /tə ɡoʊ ˈvaɪrəl/ v. 走红
4 to trend /tə trɛnd/ v. 上热搜
5 avatar /ˈævəˌtɑr/ n. 虚拟形象
6 vlog /vlɑɡ/ n. 视频博客
7 vlogger /ˈvlɑɡər/ n. 视频博主
8 blog /blɔɡ/ n. 博客
9 My blog has over 500 followers.
10 blogger /ˈblɔɡər/ n. 博主
11 to share /tə ʃɛr/ v. 分享
12 to block /tə blɑk/ v. 屏蔽
13 to post /tə poʊst/ v. 发帖
14 to DM someone /tə di ɛm ˈsʌmwʌn/ v. 私信某人
15 influencer /ˈɪnfluənsər/ n. 网红
16 follower /ˈfɑloʊər/ n. 粉丝
17 podcast /ˈpɑdˌkæst/ n. 播客
18 emoji /ɪˈmoʊdʒi/ n. 表情符号
19 hashtag /ˈhæʃˌtæɡ/ n. 话题标签
20 thread /θrɛd/ n. 话题帖子
21 newsfeed /ˈnuzˌfid/ n. 新闻推送
22 status update /ˈstætəs ˈʌpˌdeɪt/ n. 状态更新
23 CMS (content management system) /si ɛm ɛs ˈkɑntɛnt ˈmænɪdʒmənt ˈsɪstəm/ n. 内容管理系统
24 platform /ˈplætˌfɔrm/ n. 平台
25 cookie /ˈkʊki/ n. 缓存
26 pop-up /pɑp-ʌp/ n. 弹窗
27 news website /nuz ˈwɛbˌsaɪt/ n. 新闻网站
28 magazine website /ˈmæɡəˌzin ˈwɛbˌsaɪt/ n. 杂志网站
29 community website /kəˈmjunɪti ˈwɛbˌsaɪt/ n. 社区网站
30 trolling /ˈtroʊlɪŋ/ n. 网络喷子行为

In this section, we will explore the fascinating world of social and online media. We will discuss various terms that are commonly used in the context of social media platforms, their functionalities, and how they shape our online interactions.

  1. to follow : This means to subscribe to someone’s updates on social media, allowing you to see their posts in your feed.
  2. to like : This is the action of showing approval or enjoyment of a post by clicking a button, often represented by a thumbs-up icon.
  3. to go viral : This phrase refers to content that spreads rapidly and widely across the internet, gaining a lot of attention in a short period.
  4. to trend : This means to become popular or widely discussed on social media platforms at a particular time.
  5. avatar : An avatar is a graphical representation of a user or character in online contexts, often used in social media profiles and gaming.
  6. vlog : This is a type of blog that primarily uses video as the medium of content.
  7. vlogger : A vlogger is someone who creates and shares video blogs, often discussing various topics or experiences.
  8. blog : A blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically run by an individual or group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
  9. My blog has over 500 followers. : This sentence means that the speaker's blog is followed by more than 500 people who receive updates from it.
  10. blogger : A blogger is a person who writes and manages a blog.
  11. to share : This means to distribute content, such as a post or image, with others on social media.
  12. to block : This refers to the action of preventing someone from contacting or seeing your content on social media.
  13. to post : This means to publish content, such as text, images, or videos, on social media platforms.
  14. to DM someone : This phrase means to send a direct message to someone on social media, allowing for private communication.
  15. influencer : An influencer is a person who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, or relationship with their audience.
  16. follower : A follower is someone who subscribes to another user's content on social media.
  17. podcast : A podcast is a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading, typically as a series.
  18. emoji : An emoji is a small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication.
  19. hashtag : A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the pound sign (#), used to identify messages on a specific topic in social media.
  20. thread : A thread is a series of messages or posts that are connected to a single topic or conversation.
  21. newsfeed : A newsfeed is a constantly updated list of stories or posts from people and pages you follow on social media.
  22. status update : This refers to a brief message posted on social media to inform followers about what you are currently doing or feeling.
  23. CMS (content management system) : A CMS is software that helps users create, manage, and modify content on a website without needing specialized technical knowledge.
  24. platform : In this context, a platform refers to a software or service that allows users to create and share content online.
  25. cookie : A cookie is a small piece of data stored on the user's computer by the web browser while browsing a website.
  26. pop-up : A pop-up is a graphical user interface display area that suddenly appears ("pops up") in the foreground of the visual interface.
  27. news website : This is a website that focuses on delivering news and current events to its audience.
  28. magazine website : A magazine website is an online version of a printed magazine that provides articles, stories, and multimedia content.
  29. community website : A community website is a site that focuses on a specific group of people, providing a platform for discussion and interaction.
  30. trolling : Trolling refers to the act of posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community to provoke reactions.


  1. 关注 : 这意味着订阅某人的社交媒体更新,让你可以在你的信息流中看到他们的帖子。
  2. 点赞 : 这是通过点击一个按钮(通常用拇指向上图标表示)来表示对帖子的认可或享受。
  3. 走红 : 这个短语指的是内容在互联网上迅速传播并广泛传播,在短时间内获得大量关注。
  4. 上热搜 : 这意味着在特定时间内在社交媒体平台上变得受欢迎或被广泛讨论。
  5. 虚拟形象 : 是用户或角色在在线环境中的图形表示,通常用于社交媒体个人资料和游戏中。
  6. 视频博客 : 这是一种主要使用视频作为内容媒介的博客类型。
  7. 视频博主 : 视频博主是指创建和分享视频博客的人,通常讨论各种话题或经历。
  8. 博客 : 博客是一个定期更新的网站或网页,通常由个人或团体运营,采用非正式或对话的风格撰写。
  9. 我的博客有超过500名粉丝。 : 这句话的意思是说话者的博客有超过500人关注,他们会收到更新。
  10. 博主 : 博主是指撰写和管理博客的人。
  11. 分享 : 这意味着在社交媒体上与他人分发内容,如帖子或图片。
  12. 屏蔽 : 这指的是阻止某人与您联系或看到您在社交媒体上的内容的行为。
  13. 发帖 : 这意味着在社交媒体平台上发布内容,如文本、图像或视频。
  14. 私信某人 : 这个短语的意思是在社交媒体上向某人发送直接消息,以便进行私下沟通。
  15. 网红 : 网红是指由于其权威、知识或与受众的关系而能够影响他人购买决策的人。
  16. 粉丝 : 粉丝是指在社交媒体上订阅其他用户内容的人。
  17. 播客 : 播客是可在互联网上下载的数字音频文件,通常以系列的形式提供。
  18. 表情符号 : 表情符号是用于在电子通信中表达想法或情感的小型数字图像或图标。
  19. 话题标签 : 主题标签是以井号(#)开头的单词或短语,用于在社交媒体中标识特定主题的信息。
  20. 话题帖子 : 话题是一系列与单一主题或对话相关的消息或帖子。
  21. 新闻推送 : 新闻推送是您在社交媒体上关注的人和页面的不断更新的故事或帖子列表。
  22. 状态更新 : 这指的是在社交媒体上发布的简短消息,用于告知粉丝您当前的活动或感受。
  23. 内容管理系统 : 内容管理系统是一种帮助用户创建、管理和修改网站内容的软件,而无需专业技术知识。
  24. 平台 : 在此上下文中,平台指的是允许用户在线创建和分享内容的软件或服务。
  25. 缓存 : 是在用户浏览网站时由网络浏览器存储在用户 计算机上的小数据片段。
  26. 弹窗 : 弹窗是突然出现在视觉界面前景中的图形用户界面显示区域。
  27. 新闻网站 : 这是一个专注于向其受众提供新闻和时事的网站。
  28. 杂志网站 : 杂志网站是印刷杂志的在线版本,提供文章、故事和多媒体内容。
  29. 社区网站 : 社区网站是一个专注于特定人群的网站,提供讨论和互动的平台。
  30. 网络喷子行为 : 网络喷子行为指的是在在线社区中发布挑衅性或跑题的消息以激发反应的行为。

Okay, let's create a paragraph using the vocabulary from the above sections to help us understand the usage of these words and deepen our memory.


In a cozy coffee shop, Sarah was scrolling through her newsfeed while sipping her latte. "Look at this!" she exclaimed to her friend Mark. "This vlogger just posted a video that’s about to go viral!" Mark leaned in, curious.

"Really? What’s it about?" he asked, adjusting his avatar on the social media app.

"It's a hilarious vlog about the struggles of working from home. Everyone's going to like it and start talking about it, I bet it will trend for sure," Sarah replied, excitedly.

Mark nodded, "I’ve been trying to follow more influencers like that. My blog has over 500 followers, but I could use some tips to grow it further."

"Have you thought about sharing your posts more? Using the right hashtag can really help," Sarah suggested. "Plus, don't forget to post updates regularly. I always enjoy your content!"

"Thanks! I should also consider DMing someone for advice," Mark pondered.

Just then, a pop-up appeared on Sarah's screen. "Oh no, another notification!" she laughed. "These platforms can be so annoying."

"True! But it’s where we connect, right? I often visit community and news websites to catch up on trends. Sometimes I even listen to a podcast while I work."

"Yeah, but watch out for trolling in the comments. It can really ruin the experience," Sarah warned.

Mark agreed, "Definitely. But hey, let’s make sure to block any negative comments on our pages. We want to keep our communities positive!"

As they chatted, they noticed an interesting status update from a mutual friend about a new magazine website. "We should check that out later!" Sarah suggested, and Mark nodded in agreement, eager to dive deeper into the world of online media.












That wraps up today's podcast episode. Thank you for listening! Don't forget to check the English proverb at the end of the article. If you found my explanations helpful, please continue to follow my program and share it with your friends. See you next time!



  1. Not a big deal

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