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seated dip器械中文(endoport器械)


移动设备专家 Ottobock UK 推出了一款先进的电动轮椅,让有复杂需求的用户能够全天舒适地控制轮椅。

Mobility equipment specialist Ottobock UK has launched an advanced power wheelchair to keep users with complex needs comfortably in control all day long.

Juvo B7 有中轮驱动和前轮驱动两种类型,专为具有复杂定位和移动需求的人士而设计。

The Juvo B7 is available in mid or front wheel drive and is purpose built for individuals with complex positioning and mobility needs.

其 APS(高级电动座椅)框架提供更多调节选项和最大的灵活性,以及缓解、放松、积极互动和交流的最佳条件。用户启发的 ICON 控件具有多达八种不同的编程座椅、转移和站立位置,以及实时监控的远程协助。

Its APS (Advanced Power Seat) frame offers more adjustment options and the greatest flexibility and optimal conditions for relief, relaxation, active interaction and communication. The user inspired ICON control has up to eight different programmed seat, transfer and standing positions as well as remote assistance with real-time monitoring.

Juvo B7 专为坐着、开车和参加活动时提供最佳舒适度而设计。可自定义的记忆选项让您可以预设您的转移、放松、休息和喜爱活动的偏好。

Juvo B7 is designed for optimal comfort while sitting, driving, and taking part in activities. Customisable memory options let you pre-set your preferences for transfer, relaxing, resting, and favourite activities.

定位选项可以根据用户的需求和活动水平进行个性化设置,甚至可以根据复杂的要求进行个性化设置,包括前倾,以便更容易进出 Juvo B7。可选的可调节手柄在移过放低至地板的脚踏板时提供安全性和支撑。

Positioning options can be personalised to the user’s needs and activity level and even for complex requirements, these include anterior tilt, to make it easier to get in and out of the Juvo B7. Optional adjustable handles provide security and support when transferring over the footplates, which are lowered to the floor.


The great anterior tilt automatically brings the user into an active seating position, which assists with self-weight transfer and provides stimulation. In combination with seat elevation, this feature offers ideal access to medium working heights.


A flat surface offers the advantage of stretching the body, like standing upright, without transferring the full weight to the body. Blood-circulation, breathing and digestion are also promoted.


The front-wheel drive version is ideal for indoor use, compact with a small turning radius that allows you to drive up close to objects such as furniture. The large drive wheels allow you to overcome obstacles such as curbs.

这款中轮驱动的全能型车辆转弯半径小,适合室内使用,同时还能在户外提供额外的稳定性和安全性。采用 Juvo 专利的底盘设计 - 扭转驱动系统,可确保始终保持与地面的接触,并在越过障碍物时进行减震,从而保持最佳的驾驶舒适度。

An all-rounder, the tight turning radius of the mid-wheel drive is suitable for indoor use while also providing added stability and safety outdoors. Featuring Juvo’s patented chassis design – torsion drive system, this ensures ground contact is maintained at all times and dampening when driving over obstacles, maintaining optimal driving comfort.

Ottobock成立于 1976 年,总部位于英国,是一家创新实用解决方案供应商,旨在恢复人类行动能力并帮助人们重新获得个人独立性。其产品范围包括假肢和矫形器组件、轮椅以及康复和移动产品。

Established in the UK in 1976, Ottobock is a supplier of innovative and practical solutions that restore human mobility and help people to rediscover personal independence. Its product range includes prosthetic and orthotic components, wheelchairs, and rehabilitation and mobility products.


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